It is by the sheer grit and determination of a few people who stand together to save this society from disaster and destruction. Non-governmental organisations or Ngo’s are independent from the government focusing on benefitting and uplifting the society from its current state. These bodies mostly work on donations and their range can widely vary from women empowerment, child safety, emergency relief, education, healthcare, environment and the list goes on. They are spread across India and Impaac respects and appreciates their commitment to work towards the wellbeing of the society without the thought of personal or material gain. These concurrent blogs would be encompassing a series or list of Ngo’s that work independently in various cities this blog being about Kolar, Karnataka.

Table of Contents
ToggleYoung India Development Society
The Young India Development Society (YIDS) in Kolar is a non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of the people of Kolar. YIDS provides educational, health and social services to the people of Kolar, helping to make their lives better. YIDS works to bring about positive change in the lives of the people of Kolar, by providing them with vocational and technical training, organizing health camps and providing basic health services. YIDS also works to empower the youth of Kolar by providing them with educational and life skills development opportunities. YIDS works to bring about overall development of the people of Kolar, by helping them become self-reliant and independent. YIDS is an important organization in Kolar that works to make a positive impact on the lives of the people of Kolar.

Grama Vikas Society
Grama Vikas Society in Kolar is a non-profit organization that works towards the economic and social development of rural areas in the district. It focuses on the betterment of lives of the rural population and provides access to basic resources like education, health care, housing, clean water, sanitation, and other essential services. The organization mainly focuses on the needs and neccessities of children, women, and dalits comprising most of the rural population and ensuring that they have ample amount of access to resources. The Grama Vikas Society has established a number of successful projects that have contributed to the upliftment of the people and the development of the region. It has also been instrumental in providing necessary resources to the rural communities and empowering them to lead a better life.

SKG Sangha
SKG Sangha, a non-profit organization founded in Kolar, Karnataka, has been actively involved in environmental conservation since its inception and has managed to create a positive change in the lives of people. Through a range of activities, the Sangha has been striving to protect the environment, conserve natural resources, and promote sustainable development. The Sangha has been involved in campaigns to reduce air and water pollution, creating green spaces, planting trees, and creating water bodies. Additionally, they have been actively engaged in campaigns to reduce the use of plastics and promote the use of eco-friendly materials. By engaging with local communities and introducing them to sustainable methods of farming, the Sangha has been able to create a positive impact on the environment. Overall, SKG Sangha is a great example of how non-profit organizations can help to conserve the environment.

National Service Trust
The National Service Trust (NST) in Kolar has been instrumental in providing services in various domains of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Art & Culture, Children, Civic Issues, Dalit Upliftment, Drinking Water, Education & Literacy, Environment & Forests, Food Processing, Human Rights, Labour & Employment, Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation, and Women’s Development & Empowerment. The NST has been actively engaged in providing support, guidance, and resources to local communities, as well as providing vocational training to the youth and other members of the society. It has been actively involved in organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences in order to create awareness and improve the quality of life of the people in the area. The NST has also been actively involved in providing financial aid to local people in need, and has helped to create job opportunities in the region.

Arohana Ngo
Arohana Ngo is a non-profit organization based in Kolar, Karnataka that works to empower vulnerable communities in the district. The organization focuses on providing access to education, healthcare and other essential services, as well as creating employment opportunities for the local population. It also works to promote gender equality and socio-economic empowerment of women in the region. Through its various programs, Arohana Ngo has been able to make a positive impact on the lives of many people in Kolar. It has also been instrumental in raising awareness about the importance of education and healthcare, and has been successful in mobilizing communities to take action towards their own development.

MYRADA Institute
Myrada is a non-profit organization that works to empower the poor and marginalized communities in Kolar, India. Founded in 1968, Myrada works to build strong institutions of the poor and vulnerable, providing access to finance, credit, and livelihood opportunities, helping refugges to have a safe and protected home etc. Through its various programs, Myrada has been able to improve the lives of over a million people in Kolar, providing access to water, sanitation, healthcare, education and livelihoods. Myrada also works with the government to ensure that the basic needs of the people of Kolar are met, and that their rights are protected. Over the years, Myrada has helped to build the capacity of the local communities, empowering them to take charge of their own development and future.

WASH Institute
The WASH Institute in Kolar is an innovative organization dedicated to providing access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene services to communities in rural India. Established in 2008, the institute works holistically to tackle water-related issues in Kolar and its surrounding areas. The institute works with local communities to promote access to safe water, implement effective sanitation and hygiene practices, and create sustainable solutions to water-related issues. The institute also works with local governments and other organizations to ensure that the WASH services are implemented and sustained. Through the WASH Institute, Kolar is now able to access safe drinking water and sanitation services, helping to improve the overall health and well-being of the community.

Humanity Foundation
The Humanity Foundation in Kolar works to improve the quality of life of the people in the district by providing various services such as health care, education, and economic assistance. They aim to promote social progress and development, empower the marginalized and vulnerable sections of the society, and create a better future for all. Through programs such as nutrition and health awareness, vocational training, and micro-finance, the Humanity Foundation is striving hard to make Kolar a better place to live. They also work with local government and other organizations to ensure that their services reach as many people as possible. With their tireless efforts, the Humanity Foundation is making a difference in the lives of the people of Kolar.

Institute of Research and Development
The Institute of Social Research and Development in Kolar is a dedicated research and development organization that provides social services and research-based solutions to the local people of Kolar. It is committed to creating a better quality of life for the people of Kolar, through the use of evidence-based research and innovative interventions. Through its research and programs, the Institute strives to create a better environment for the citizens of Kolar, including creating better job opportunities, enhancing educational opportunities, and providing access to quality health care services. The Institute of Social Research and Development in Kolar has been working to build a strong and vibrant community that is based on mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation.

Ananda Suvarna Rural Development Trust
Ananda Suvarna Rural Development Trust in Kolar is an NGO that works to empower and improve the lives of rural communities in the district. Founded in 2008, the trust works to support and promote sustainable development, improve education and health, and support women’s empowerment. The trust works to provide access to clean drinking water and sanitation, promote vocational training and livelihood skills, and provide financial support for livelihood activities. It also works to promote awareness about various government schemes and projects, and to facilitate access to financial services. Through its various activities, the trust has made a positive impact on the lives of thousands of people in the district.

About Impaac?
Impaac Foundation is a non-profit, technology-driven crowdfunding, social networking platform which focuses on bridging the gap between the people who are looking for help & the people who are willing to help. We are building a social community that depicts the values of social responsibility & help anyone, anywhere, anytime. We provide viable solutions to NGOs for different causes to run their system smoothly & effectively with non-profit intentions.
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