
Crowdfunding has come a long way from people being totally unaware of the term to new platforms that pop up every once in a while. Although it is not possible to discuss about each and everyone of these platforms Impaac has compiled and curated a bunch of platforms that have worked for and towards society and the people while simultaneously becoming a source of inspiration for other crowdfunding startups that have popped up in recent times or will pop up in the future.


Milaap is an online fundraising website that helps people to raise funds right from joyous occasions to critical life situations. You can easily start a campaign on Milaap which would find its way to ads and attract people together to donate the required amount. Milaap was founded in 2010 by a team of young entrepreneurs with the zeal to help people through an online crowdfunding means. It started out as a small venture now sprouts out in the directions of healthcare, education, sports, disaster, relief and other personal causes.

  •  Giveindia

GiveIndia works in various domains like healthcare, education, children, women, planet, individual and group causes etc. It is a trusted brand partnered with over 2000+ Ngo’s across the country and receiving donations from people all over the world. It has become one of the trusted brands over the years and continues to adhere to the needs and necessities of the common people. Anyone can easily create a campaign while the donors can donate simply in very easy steps.

  • Impaac

Impaac is India’s only non-profit, technology driven, free crowdfunding platform that works towards human empowerment, stray animals, environmental causes, societal evolution, women welfare, child welfare, medical causes and education for everyone. Impaac was founded by Nivedika Gupta and Pankaj Dhingra who have always been passionate about making a positive impact on the planet and now they and their team continue to inspire people and Impaac people to help others through their online free crowdfunding platform for everyone’s need. The platform is technology driven making it very easy for everyone to use it be it either the needy or the donor. If you are in need of urgent donations Impaac is your place to be as donations start pouring in less than 24 hours after the campaign creation.

  • Peepalfarm

Peepalfarm is a stray animal-based non-profit, non-governmental organisation that aims to help improve the living conditions of the voiceless. They are based in Himachal Pradesh and were first started in 2014 by founders Robin Singh and Joellen Anderson which now is the home or many stray animals which continue to bask in their kindness. Peepalfarm is now open to volunteers and the team can fully function in various directions and help strays. Many strays are on their road to recovery while many have been adopted and are well taken care of by their foster families.

  • Gofundme

It is an American non-profit crowdfunding platform that aims to raise funds for critical situations like accidents, illnesses, disasters etc. The company was founded in 2010 by Damphousse and Ballester in California, this small venture soon became one of the biggest crowdfunding platforms in 2017 adhering to the needs of people from every walk of life. Some of its noteworthy projects include the George Floyd memorial fund, Stoneman Douglas victim’s fund, Las Vegas victim’s fund etc.

  • Patreon

Patreon is an online crowdfunding platform for artists and creators like YouTube videographers, webcomic artists, writers, podcasters, musicians, etc. It helps them to get a monthly source of income from their patrons or people who frequently consume their art. It was co-founded by Sam Yam and Jack Conte in 2013 that now fuels the dreams, aspirations and livelihoods of millions of content creators all over the world.

  • Fuel a dream

Fuel a dream is an online crowdfunding platform that is based in Bangalore and caters to individuals, charities and firms in hopes of collecting the required amount and helping people in need. The campaign creator is required to put forth their story on the website, and ask for the amount, the community then comes forward and donates to fulfil their dreams. They already have over 700+ campigns on their website and still continue to help people.

  • Fundrazr

Fundrazr is another platform that helps people in need by engaging the community to perform a good deed together and bringing a smile on somebody’s face. Medical care, education, stray help etc. are some of the various fields they cater to. It was founded in 2008 by Daryl Hatton, initially a facebook page soon took the form of a crowdfunding business model. It is one of the first crowdfunding models to use the collaborative community payment model wherein the donors can directly transfer the money into the campaign creator’s account.

  • Lendahand

Lendahand focuses on the need for school students to learn and imbibe skill development and vocational education in their daily life. It partners with schools to make their curriculum better imbibe skills like basic engineering, energy, environment, agriculture, animal husbandry, gardening and landscaping, and home and health science. It makes the students better ready for the outside world by preparing them for it right at school.

  • Angel list

Angel list has proved to be god’s hands for the youth of the country, it aims to invest in budding startups or even well-established ones. Major names are included as the investors who pitch in to make dreams and ideas become successful in the Indian market. Their mission is to increase the number of successful start ups in India and to provide a safe and protected platform to help them in achieving their dreams.

  • Donorschoose

Donorschoose was officially founded in 2000 by Charles Best a teacher from the United States looking to help underprivileged students in fulfilling their dreams. It is operated in the US wherein donors can choose to invest in schools from less affluent backgrounds, what started out as a mini project to fund supplies for one classroom now has expanded to over 1 million classroom projects. Teachers can make campaigns regarding necessary supplies on the website wherein donors donate to help every child get the same educational facilities.

  • Lending club

Lending club is an online platform wherein people can avail loans from investors by posting their listing online for investors to invest in. Borrowers can take loans up to $1000 to $40000 wherein the loan period is 3 years. Lendingclub has managed to sustain itself by charging borrowers an organisation fee and investors a service fee, the whole system is based on trust and is a unique business model with had a lot of risks but the company owners refused to back down and now the company stands on a whopping 1 billion dollars as of 2014.

  • Ketto

Ketto is a non-profit crowdfunding platform working for causes like medical, memorial, children, education, animal etc. It accepts donations in multiple currencies from across the globe and money can be withdrawn very easily in one’s own currency without any hassle. Campaigns by eminent personalities like Kailash Satyarthi, Human Rights Council of India etc. are also present on the website and have raised whopping amounts for the needy.

  • Impactguru

Impactguru is a donation based crowdfunding platform founded in 2014 by Piyush Jain and Khushboo Jain and was officially launched by Maneka Gandhi in 2015. It aims at providing donations to the needy all across the globe and connecting the donors to the ones in need. It focuses on medical emergency campaigns that anyone can create quickly and easily and help save a life. The responses are almost immediate as donations start pouring in.

  • Supportdogs

Supportdogs is a wonderful initiative that not only rescues dogs but also provides them with training to help humans who are troubled with autism, epilepsy or any other kind of disability. People can choose to sponsor these dogs and their training, apply as volunteers or even take home one of these dogs as your own family member. They prove to be excellent companions and help dogs for people with disabilities. They are a non-profit organisation who rely 100 percent on donations and all of the money goes into helping and providing as many dogs as possible and getting them adopted into families with needs.

  • Indiegogo

Indiegogo was founded in 2008 by Danae Ringelmann, Slava Rubin, and Eric Schell. It caters to charity, idea or even a start up business and connects the needy to the donors. People can create campaigns on their own regarding their needs and amount required to fulfil them and then publicize it on their social media accounts to garner attention on their appeal. Willing donors will pay the amount by crowdfunding and the needy can easily transfer it onto their accounts after the deduction of a nominal charge from the company.

  • Kickstarter

Kickstarter is a platform that connects artists to art loving people who can fund their latest projects, it revolves around bringing art to life. It was co-founded in 2009 by Perry Chen, Yancey Strikler, and Charles Adler which has now transformed into a business giant with projects reaching up to $1 million in donations. Creative projects such as films, music, stage shows, comics, journalism, video games, technology, publishing and food related topics.

  • Mightycause

Mightycause is an online crowdfunding employee-owned organisation that adheres to the needs of everyone be it events or personal and critical issues. You can either start individual fundraising campaigns or even group fundraising ones. Mightycause is a one stop solution for all of your neccesities be it organising events or some disas ter and if you are in dire need of funds mightycause is your place to be.

  • Venture crowd

Venture crowd is a crowdfunding platform that aims to deal with equity crowdfunding, debt crowdfunding and property-based crowdfunding. It was founded by parent company Artesian in 2013 in Australia. Property related needs are frequently highlighted on this website as donors help fulfil the needs of people who want a home, debt based crowdfunding is also its target as we get to see people posting campaigns and urging donors to help them with debts.

  • Crowdfunder

Crowdfunder is another platform that adheres to the needs of almost every kind and helps people to collect the required amount in a short time. You can directly withdraw your funds from the website and use them. It is a UK based company and only works in those particular regions like Scotland, England, Wales, midlands, London etc.

  • Start engine

StartEngine has raised over $60 million from the crowd, and their 30,000+ shareholders can trade. StartEngine uses firsthand experience to assist customers in raising capital. Companies can use StartEngine to raise their first round of funding and then allow their shareholders to trade on the same platform. StartEngine provides an Account Manager to assist with legal/financial technicalities, such as filling out the Form-C on your behalf, as well as a Campaign Strategist and Creative Lead to focus on the marketing aspects of the client’s raise like full campaign page build, perks, strategy, etc.

  • Circleup

CircleUp is on a mission to provide entrepreneurs with the funding and support they require to thrive. They have identified over a hundred successful brands and use their Helio business intelligence platform to increase the speed, quality, and objectivity of decision-making in the private company landscape through a unique application of data and machine learning technology.

  • Rockethub

The goal of RocketHub is to be a valuable resource and partner for startups by providing hands-on guidance and benefits that equip them throughout the startup journey. They strive to be a launch incubator focused on quality products, valuable education, and meaningful connections to help startups succeed.

  • Vested

Vested is an SEC-registered investment adviser in the United States (see risk disclosure). Their online platform makes it simple for Indian investors to invest in US stocks and ETFs. Vested makes it simple to begin investing. Open an account in minutes and begin investing immediately. You can even buy more than one share.

  • Catapooolt

Catapooolt is a crowdfunding ecosystem for people who believe in the power of ideas and want to be a part of the change they want to see. Whether it’s your project or someone else’s, they bring communities, relevant partners, cutting-edge tools, and resources together to enable what every idea requires to succeed: funds and engagement.

  • Oneplanetcrowd

They believe that through sustainable innovation, they can improve the world. The mission of Oneplanetcrowd is to address the challenges that they face in collaboration with companies and investors. That is why, since 2012, they have been working to create a game-changing community. They bring together forward-thinking companies and investors to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable economy. Established companies and projects are funded through Oneplanetcrowd.

  • Goteo

Goteo is a non-governmental organisation that focuses not only on donations but also on collaborative projects with the campaign creator. The website was launched in 2011 and since then has been a major crowdfunding platform since its launch and people have not only donated money but also volunteered in thousands.

  • Wiseed

Wiseed is a French company that was officially launched in 2009 by Thierry Merquiol and Nicolas Seres. It was one of the first crowdfunding start ups to have popped in France however, traditional investors as well as the common people were still sceptical about it. Slowly and steadily the knowledge about crowdfunding platforms grew in the people leading to a steady growth in Wiseed, the company grossed over 100 million euros out of which 87 percent were individual investors which is a pretty big feat even during today’s time.

  • Artist share

Artist share came into being in 2001 and is well recognised for being the first “fan-Funding” platform on the internet. It focuses on the artist and fan relationship as fans could now directly help their beloved artists in composing a piece of work by funding their creations. Many of Artist Share’s artists have gone off to win Pultizer prize and Oscar nominations while Artist Share itself has the prestigious title of being a Grammy winner.

  • Fundable

Fundable is a US based company that thrives to provide companies funding, over 6 million small businesses are started each year in the US and due to lack of funding many of them close down pretty quickly, it is companies like Fundable where you can invest and help people in making their dreams come true by supporting their ideas. Fundable provides a hands-on experience and the website is user friendly which made it to cross over $80 million in the first year itself.

  • Kiva

Kiva is a non-profit loan giving company that connects the investor to the borrower. It was started in 2005 by Matt Flannery and Jessica Jackley after they did detailed research on the poor entrepreneurship in Africa. Kiva means unity in Swahili and their business mission is to primarily help the poor and underprivileged people to start a business. The company kept $25 as the amount that can be donated in a single time, the investor can pay again to donate the same amount until they are satisfied with it.

  • Mycause

Mycause was first launched in 2009 and is an owned and operated in Australia crowdfunding platform. Its major goal is to help, support and sustain charities or even your individual critical life situations. It helps you to fundraise in very easy steps by simply creating a campaign while the donations start pouring in for your cause. You can start a campaign individually, as a charitable organisation or for any charitable organisation as well that makes it user friendly.

  • Startupxplore

Startupxplore is a company that connects budding businesses to investors and funders who can fuel your dreams and make the company a huge success. There are many brands or businesses that come into being every year but many of them are not able to thrive due to their lack of funds but companies like Startupxplore are a great way to help us new organisations and make the world startup friendly.

  • Double the donation

A company which wishes to increase the amount and number of donations made towards non-profit orgs by matching the amount donated hence effectively doubling it, Double the Donation submits matches for up to 24,000 companies, including parent companies, subsidiaries and brands. Having the largest database of matching gift and volunteer grant programs, the company provides the most up-to-date guidelines, forms and instructions at the donor’s fingertips.  Their dedicated database team frees up time for the staff of non-profit orgs and schools for other important tasks. They ensure the organization raise more money, better engage their donors and save more time.

  • Givingmail

Following the time tested and best practices to be found over the years, GivingMail makes the hassle and grunt work behind this far easier. Being the first direct mail fundraising-focused web-to-print platform, GivingMail helps you to create a direct mail marketing campaign for a non-profit org. They also provide services in terms of design and templates for said mailers. They are designed to specifically help small-to-mid size charities and fundraising groups. They offer their knowledge of 70 years in the working field to bring in donations with a cost-efficient method.

  • Handbid

Handbid utilizes its industrial grade auction software to make sure fundraising can occur remotely with people participating from anywhere. They offer multiple services such as Mobile Bidding, Live Streaming, Chat Peer-to-Peer Fundraising, Donation Campaigns, Crowd Funding, Text to Give, etc. Their interface helps users go beyond the social fundraising capabilities of the norm and engage donors on a deeper level with interactive crowdfunding and peer-to-peer fundraising tools. All this is integrated on one platform which reduces the hassle and allows the use to manage their fundraising efforts easily and in a far more efficient manner.

  • Seed Match

Seed Match is a Germany based company that connects young companies or startups to investors with an equity in the company. These donations will help someone to fulfil their dreams of opening and operating a startup.

  • Plumfund

Plumfund is one of the highest rated platforms which allows people to give and receive without societal concerns. One of the few free crowdfunding options since 2006, Plumfund allows users to fundraise online for free and avoid credit card processing fees. The popular categories a ‘Plumfund’ is usual;ly opened in are Baby Shower, Birthday celebrations, Anniversary and many other such similar activities. Their mission and reason for drive is simply to make giving easier, as giving is good!

  • Donate kindly

A simple org which helps users to set up their donation forms with whatever embeds they require and start accepting donations. It helps in centralizing all information of your fundraising on one page, leaving you without need to switch between systems. Their software is also ideal for faith-based organizations making it easier for their congregation to give back. They do not charge their donors and do not take a mandatory fee. DonateKindly relies on the generosity of donors to give a small tip to keep their services running.

  • Startsomegood

StartSomeGood laid the first stone to give changemakers the tools, grooming and support they need to make a difference. Its objective is to boost the pace of innovation for good by making it simple for anyone to start some good. It builds a world where every person has access to the information, inspiration and tools to do good. Where great social change beliefs can arise from anywhere. Where societies can create the future, they seek. They also help brands, funders and governments better bind with these grassroots pioneers through great cause marketing and capacity-building programs.

  • Artistshare

Artistshare is an online company that brings together artists and their fans to build a community based on supporting and executing projects of the highest quality, empowering fans and creators to engage in a uniquely supportive, shared, entrepreneurial experience. Unlike other crowdfunding platforms not only do the donors donate but also receive special offers, discounts, exhibitions etc from the artist himself\herself.

  • Dojiggy

DoJiggy is a donor-friendly fundraising software for non-profit, school, and charity campaigns. It’s beautiful fundraising website implements the latest mobile technology for special event fundraising. The creators of Dojiggy believe in a user- friendly model of crowdfunding that can seamlessly transfer funds as well as is pleasing and easy to use. Dojiggy has been helping people since 2003 and continues to do so with its versatile fundraising platform.

  • Wefunder

Wefunder is a platform that connects early-stage companies to investors who can purchase some stake in companies while simultaneously donating for them. It was founded by Nick Tomarello, Mike Norman, and Greg Belote in 2012, since then the company has given a newfound hope to many companies and has raised close to $500 million across continents. You can choose amongst the various categories present on the website and choose to be an investor or if you have a startup or company you can make a campaign and attract investors to donate to your company.

  • Ifundwomen

IFundWomen is the go-to funding marketplace for women-owned businesses and the people who want to support them with access to capital, coaching, and connections. It offers immediate access to capital through a premium online fundraising experience, access to small business grants from corporate partners, expert business coaching on all the topics entrepreneurs need to know about, and a network of women business owners that sparks confidence, accelerates knowledge and ignites action.

  • Givesendgo

It is a Christian crowdfunding website founded in 2014. the web site was founded as a response to GoFundMe removing controversial campaigns. Since its founding, the location has received increased traffic following the removal of campaigns from other crowdfunding websites, and as a result, gained a reputation for facilitating the funding of far-right activists and extremist groups. This reputation has been criticized as being counter to its Christian mission statement while being commended as an area for disfavored speech and therefore the importance of Section 230.

  • We raise

We Raise Foundation partners with Christian nonprofit groups and emerging leaders working at the crossroads of poverty, violence, and inequality. We Raise Foundation is a fundraising programme motivated by the notion that freedom is grace in action. They take a unique approach to investing by combining programme money with a range of substantial value-added services that enable grantees to scale their solutions to address social problems on the scale that they exist. We Raise Foundation connects with Christian nonprofit groups and emerging leaders working at the crossroads of poverty, violence, and inequality, motivated by the notion that freedom is grace in action.

  • Way giver

WayGiver has established a fundraising platform to impact lives because every campaign is driven by people: someone in need, someone caring enough to organise a fundraiser, and a community willing to mirror God’s love by giving. A fantastic function in life is to assist individuals in changing their lives by raising funds for others. “It’s not just their job, it’s their ministry!” they exclaim. Their mission is to assist people, churches, and Christian ministries in reflecting God’s love through giving by providing an easy-to-use online fundraising platform, expert crowdfunding knowledge, blessing by giving back, and being there for them with exceptional customer service.

  • Donor box

Donorbox’s mission is straightforward: to provide nonprofits with simple, effective tools for managing fundraising activities and connecting with donors on a deeper level.They believe that nonprofit organisations should not face technological barriers when assisting others. Donorbox was created to address this issue, allowing any nonprofit to easily raise donations online.They have made their services accessible to any nonprofit, from small start-ups to large global organisations. Since 2014, they’ve assisted in connecting millions of donors with nonprofits in over 30 countries.

  • Bonfire

Bonfire is a free online marketplace where anyone can create, sell, and buy customised products. So anyone can focus on connecting with the community as Bonfire handles payment processing, order fulfilment, and customer service. Bonfire began as a simple way for communities to raise money online by selling t-shirts. Bonfire has assisted thousands of individuals, groups, and nonprofits in raising funds for causes close to an individual’s heart. They have expanded their services to include anyone looking to print or sell apparel, totes, hats, mugs, and other items.

  • ABC fundraising

ABC Fundraising® offers fundraising products that have assisted organisations in raising over $50 million dollars! Since 1993, our innovative and highly profitable fundraising products have aided over 50,000 schools, youth sports teams, churches, and non-profit organisations of all sizes. ABC Fundraising® is dedicated to providing the industry’s most profitable fundraisers. The fundraisers on the website have been carefully selected by fundraising experts with over 60 years of experience. Only the most profitable and successful fundraising products pass their scrutiny.


About Impaac?

Impaac Foundation is a non-profit, technology-driven crowdfunding, social networking platform which focuses on bridging the gap between the people who are looking for help & the people who are willing to help. We are building a social community that depicts the values of social responsibility & help anyone, anywhere, anytime. We provide viable solutions to NGOs for different causes to run their system smoothly & effectively with non-profit intentions.

Why Us?

  • Truly NO Charges
  • Trust Guaranteed
  • 24*7 Assistance
  • 1000% Transparent
  • Technical Support
  • Seamless Donations

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